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Maui: Analytics

This article discusses the reports available in Maui Analytics, along with the options for editing, sharing, and scheduling reports

Valerie avatar
Written by Valerie
Updated over a week ago

Accessing your data is an essential part of any business. Using Analytics in Maui allows you to run standard reports, customize your own reports, share reports, and schedule reports.

Running a Report

  1. Select "Analytics" from the menu in the top left corner of the window.

  2. Select the desired report you would like to run. You can use the search bar at the top of the screen to quickly find a specific report.

  3. Set your desired date range.

    • Set the same day for Start and End dates to view a single day.

  4. Select "View" or "Download."

    • View allows you to preview the report in the window to spot-check the information. To close this view, click outside the preview or select the X in the top right corner.

      • You are able to use the Search bar to quickly pull out specific details within a report. The below example has filtered the report on all Operations named "move":

    • Download saves a . CSV copy of the report on your computer. You can then use another program (such as Excel) to manage further data analysis if necessary.

Creating A New Custom Report

You can create and customize your own reports using Flowhub's standard reports as a baseline. From there you can pick and choose and reorder which fields you need in your report, give it your own custom name, and manage sharing of that report with other users if necessary.

  1. On the Analytics main page, select the "Customize Report" button in the upper right corner of the “All Reports” section:

  2. Once selected, you will be prompted to choose a template you'd like to customize, and a description of the report will be displayed below.

3. After selecting the template, select Customize Report, and a report builder will pop up on the right side of your screen. You will be able to see what fields are available for you to hide or reorder in your report.

  • Select the eyeball icon on the right side of a report field to remove/hide a field from your custom report.

    • Select Hide All at the bottom if you'd like to hide all fields, and then select the eyeball icon next to each field you'd like to include in your report.

    • Select Show All at the bottom to include all fields in the report, and then select the eyeball icon to hide/remove fields you don't need in your report.

  • Grab the six dots on the left side to reorder where a field should appear in the report.

  • You can give the report a Custom Name and Custom Description at the top of the report's page. When you select "Save," you'll see your custom report in your "My Custom Reports" section.

4. Select Save to save your custom report.

Customizing / Editing an Existing Report

In addition to creating your own new reports, you can also Edit/Customize an existing report to create a custom version, or create a brand new report from an existing report.

  1. To Customize an existing report, select the report in your Analytics portal (the following can be done on both Custom and Standard Reports), and then select "View."

  2. While the report is open, select the yellow "Edit" button in the upper right corner. You'll see the report editor appear on the right side of the screen, and the Report will become Editable, with the ability to perform the following actions:

    • Rename the Report

    • Rewrite the Report Description

    • Hide Columns

    • Move Columns

5. Once you have completed your desired changes, select "Save" in the upper right corner.

6. Your custom report will now appear in the "My Custom Reports" section of Analytics, above "Default Reports" on the left side:

Sharing a Custom Report

Flowhub Maui allows you to share Custom reports. You can even share reports with users whose Role doesn't give them access to Analytics. This means you can eliminate certain columns from reports (like cost or markup %) and then share with specific Roles or Employees, without giving them access to the full Analytics tab.

  1. Create a Custom Report following the instructions in the section above, "Creating A New Custom Report," or "Customizing / Editing an Existing Report."

    • TIP: If you would like to Share a Standard Report "as is" with a user that does not have access to Analytics on their Role, you can do so by selecting "View", then "Edit", then "Save" on the Standard Report without making any changes to the Standard Report.

    • This will then list the report as a shareable Custom Report in "My Custom Reports," and you can continue with the rest of the instructions below.

  2. Navigate to My Custom Reports in Analytics, and find the Report you would like to share.

  3. In the upper right corner of the Report, select the people icon next to the clock:

  4. A modal will appear allowing you to choose who should have access to this report. You are able to share by Role, by individual Employee, or opt to share with all users that have access to Analytics on their Role.

  5. Select "Share Report" at the bottom of the modal. Your report will now appear for those Employees in the "My Custom Reports" section of Analytics.

    • If a user doesn't otherwise have access to Analytics and a report has been shared with them, they will only see the "Shared With Me" tab when they visit the Analytics view. They will not be able to access any other reports in Analytics.

    • You can modify who the report is shared with at any time by selecting the same people icon on the Custom report.

Scheduling a Report

Any report in Maui can be run and automatically sent to users via email on a scheduled cadence. The report will be run and delivered to your inbox the between 1am and 3am the night after your selected day. The email sent to you will include a link to the scheduled report where you can download the CSV or simply view the data.

  1. Locate the Report you would like to Schedule. You are able to schedule both Standard and Custom reports.

  2. Select the clock icon in the upper right corner of the Report:

  3. A modal will appear, allowing you to choose which Employees should receive the report and at what frequency.

    • When choosing Weekly, you can select the day on which the report will be run on a 7-day cadence.

    • When choosing Monthly, the report will be run on an entire month's worth of data, starting with a month prior to the day you select. To have a report delivered to you on the first of every month, run on the previous month's data, select "End of the Month".

  4. You are able to select multiple Employees to share at once:

  5. Select "Schedule". The report will be emailed to the email address associated with the Employee's account.

  6. The Report will also appear in the "Scheduled Reports" tab in Analytics:

  7. You can cancel/stop the scheduling of a report by navigating to "Scheduled Reports," locating the Report you would like to modify, and selecting the clock icon in the upper right corner.

  8. A modal will appear. Select "Cancel Existing Schedule" to cancel the scheduled report:

Scheduling Par Level Reports or Inventory Reports

Two reports have special conditions under which they can be set to be emailed to you when a certain "trigger" is met. These are the Inventory Report and Par Level Report.

  • The Inventory Report can be set to automatically be sent to you the night after an Expiration Date is a specified number of days away.

    • This can be valuable for easily knowing which items you may want to discount to move out the door faster.

    • To schedule this, locate the Inventory report from the Default Reports, then select the clock icon. You'll see the "Trigger" section underneath Frequency, where you can select how many days in advance of an expiration date you'd like to receive the report.

    • When an inventory item hits the trigger of X days before the expiration date, the specified recipients will be emailed an inventory report.

  • The Par Level Report can be configured to send the night after a par level was hit during the day.

    • This is valuable for making purchasing decisions for products that you may be running low on and need to reorder.

Report Definitions:

  • Accounting: Displays an overview of financial information, including total taxes, discounts, returns, net/gross sales, revenue, profit, cost of sold items, and transaction types (debit/credit) for a selected date range.

  • Customers: This report will show you Customer information in your system. This includes their average spending, personal information, and even how many transactions that customer has made at your company.

  • Drawers: Displays drawer balances and actions in a single line item for each drawer. You can see the starting balance, sales on the drawer, cash sales, debit sales, closing balance, drops, payouts, and which employees were on the drawer. This report is currently built to see ALL locations.

  • Inventory: The Inventory Report will show you all of the current inventory you have on hand and their quantities. It will also show you what criteria have been entered for that inventory item; price, supplier, package ID, etc.

  • Product Performance: This report displays your top 5 best and worst performing Products with how many were sold, profit, and average days on shelf.

  • Category Sales: This report will show categorical sales displaying the # of transactions, quantity sold, pre/post tax sales, taxes, cost, discount, and profit, along with the totals of each category at the bottom.

  • Employee Sales: This report will show each employee’s performance over a selected period based on the total number of transactions completed. It will even show average cart price, discounts used, and number of products sold.

  • Sold Items: Gives you an in-depth view of what was sold on a transaction and transactional data that goes with that; taxes, discounts, price, etc.

  • Transactions: This displays transaction totals over a given time. It will not include individual items but an overview of each transaction and its totals.

Field Definitions:

  • "Total item price" = Gross Sales

  • "Pre-Tax Price" = Net Sales

  • "Post-Tax Price" = Final Sales

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