If you operate your dispensary in a Metrc state, you can use Flowhub Maui to view your incoming transfers by Manifest and easily import each package as inventory into Flowhub. Additionally, as you use the Manifest tab, Flowhub learns which Product in your Catalog should be matched with your frequently reordered items in Metrc, which makes future Manifest imports a breeze with a click of a button.
Please note that the following must be in place to import by Metrc Manifest in Flowhub:
The Dispensary must have an active license in a state that uses Metrc for tracking.
If your state uses Biotrack for tracking, please reference our article on importing by Biotrack Manifest.
If your state does not use Metrc (Vermont, Maine medical licenses), you will create your inventory manually in Maui.
The User who is logged in must have a Metrc API key on their user with the permission to view Packages in Metrc.
The Package being brought in is an Active Package that has a "Last Modified Date" of 90 days or less.
Import Manifests
Navigate to the pop-out menu on the top-left of the screen in Flowhub Maui and select Inventory.
Select Manifests from the purple bar across the top of your screen.
Select a Manifest you would like to import.
Select a Package in the Manifest, and select "Create Inventory."
You will be prompted to select the Product from your Catalog and bring the package into your Maui inventory. You will see the information about the Package on the right side:
Select "Select A Product" to choose the Product with the Package, and complete all required fields. Any field marked with an asterisk must be completed.
TIP: If you don't have the Product built in your Catalog yet, you can select "Create a New Product" to build that product information out when adding this item to your inventory.
Select "Save" to import the Package inventory from the Manifest into Flowhub.
Bulk Import Manifests
If you're importing product from a Manifest that you've brought into your Flowhub inventory in the past, you can save time by "Bulk Importing."
Navigate to the pop-out menu on the top-left of the screen in Flowhub Maui and select Inventory.
Select Manifests from the purple bar across the top of your screen.
Metrc: Use the "Last Modified Date" picker on the page to view Manifests by date. The page will only display Manifests that correspond to the date chosen.
Select "Receive Manifest" on a Manifest that has a green Metrc icon (i.e. a Manifest that has been already received in Metrc) to view the Packages associated with the Manifest.
If there are any Packages that you've brought into Inventory before, you'll see a "Bulk Import" button in the upper right corner of the Manifest. In the below example, two (2) of the items of the 25 remaining in the Manifest have been brought into Flowhub inventory previously.
If you do not see a Bulk Import button, none of the Packages in this Manifest have been brought into your Flowhub inventory before. Select each package and select "Create Inventory" to associate the package with a Product in your Catalog to bring into your Inventory.
5. Select the "Bulk Import" button, and you will prompted to select a room to save the entire quantity of the packages you're Bulk Importing.
6. Select "Import" to create the inventory in Flowhub.
7. For any packages that could not be Bulk Imported, select them individually in the Manifest, and select "Receive Inventory" to associate a Product in your Catalog to those items to create Inventory in Flowhub.
The next time you import packages of those items, Flowhub will remember which Products you associated previously, and they will be Bulk-Importable in Manifests in the future.
8. If there are any missing Required Fields on the Inventory item that can't be completed through Bulk Import, those inventory items will be tagged with the yellow "Out of Compliance" warning.
Use the "More Filters" button in Inventory to turn on the Non-compliant filter to see everything with this warning.
Then, select "Edit" on each inventory item to fill in the missing required field.
When all Required fields are completed on the inventory item, the Out of Compliance warning will go away.
Rejected Packages
Rejected items will not be included in Metrc manifests. Only unrejected items will appear.
If a Metrc manifest contains only rejected items, the entire manifest will not be visible. That means that if there are 3 manifests, all of which contain only a single REJECTED item, none of those manifests will appear.