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Push Sales to Metrc

This article will guide you through how to manage your pushed Metrc sales and direct you through the ways you can push sales to Metrc

Marcus avatar
Written by Marcus
Updated over 4 months ago

Metrc stands for "Marijuana Enforcement Tracking Reporting Compliance" and is a seed-to-sale tracking system for cannabis sales. If you are in a Metrc-compliant location, you need to report your daily sales to Metrc. This can either be done manually through Metrc via a file upload, or you can use Flowhub's API integration to push your sales to Metrc.

To push sales through the Maui/Metrc integration, you need to have a valid API Key assigned to your Flowhub account. For assistance, see the Set up Metrc API Key article. You will also need the correct permissions in Metrc and Flowhub. Review this article for more information about Metrc and Flowhub permissions please review this article. Once you have successfully assigned an API key, proceed with the following instructions. There are 3 ways you can report sales to Metrc:

Live Sales Push

Live Sales Push allows dispensaries to report their sales to Metrc in real-time. Maui will automatically report a sale to Metrc as long as the employee who made the sale has a valid Metrc API key assigned to their profile. For assistance, see the Set up Metrc API Key article. Contact your Flowhub rep to enable live sales push. Although this action is automatic, it is important to review and manage your sales through the Sales tab to ensure they have been pushed successfully.

Manually Push Sales from Flowhub Via API

There are two ways to manually push sales via API:

Sales pushed via API will never be duplicated.

Bulk Push allows dispensaries to report sales for an entire day or date range from Maui to Metrc. You can also Push an Indiviaul Sale at any time. A valid Metrc API key is required in order to upload sales to Metrc. For assistance, see the Set up Metrc API Key article.

Push Bulk Sales to Metrc:

  1. Navigate to the Sales tab of Cashier.

  2. Select a Start Date and End Date.

    • Select the same Start and End Dates to push a single day of sales.

  3. Select a Reporting Status Filter.

    • Filters Include:

      • All

      • Failed

      • In Progress

      • Reported

      • Unreported

  4. Select Actions and then Bulk Push.

  5. If uploading sales was completely unsuccessful, you will get an error message. This article will help you correct and repush the sale.

    • If this is your first time pushing sales, we recommend checking your Metrc portal for reported sales to see how a successful push appears in Metrc.

Push an Individual Sale to Metrc:

  1. Navigate to the Sales tab of Cashier.

  2. Select a failed or partially uploaded sale.

  3. Select Actions, then Push in the sales sidebar on the right.

  4. If uploading this sale was unsuccessful, you will get an error message. This article will help you correct and repush the sale.

    • If this is your first time pushing sales, we recommend checking your Metrc portal for reported sales to see how a successful push appears in Metrc.

Manually uploading Sales to Metrc via CSV.

This method allows you to download a CSV of your sales and upload it to your Metrc portal.

Metrc only allows CSV uploads that have 500 lines or less. If your METRC Receipts CSV is more than 500 lines, you must create two separate CSV files to upload all of the sales from the selected day. If you have questions about working in Metrc, check with your Metrc representative.

Reporting sales via API and CSV will result in duplicated sales in Metrc.

If separate transactions occur in the same second, Flowhub will implement a tie-breaking feature for manual CSV uploads to Metrc. This tie-breaking feature will detect two unique transactions that occurred in the same second and separate one transaction by a single second. This shift will prevent those sales from being reported as the same transaction when uploading the CSV files to Metrc.

Manually Upload Bulk Sales to Metrc via CSV:

Bulk download allows dispensaries to report sales for an entire day or date range to Metrc via a CSV.

  1. Navigate to the Sales tab of Cashier.

  2. Select a Start Date and End Date.

    • Leave the End and Start Dates the same to push a single day of sales.

  3. Select a Reporting Status.

    • Filters Include:

      • All

      • Failed

      • In Progress

      • Reported

      • Unreported

  4. Select Actions and then Download Metrc CSV.

    • Check your computer's downloads folder if you can’t find the file.

    • The file is already pre-formatted to upload directly to Metrc. You should not need to do any further manipulation on Date/Time formatting, etc. to have Metrc accept the file.

  5. Navigate to your Metrc portal and log in.

  6. On Metrc’s site, navigate to Sales > Import Sales > Sales (New).

    • Make sure that you have the sales tab selected. By default, you will be navigated to the packages tab.

  7. Upload the affected day's CSV.

  8. If the upload fails, Metrc will show which lines you'll need to correct before you can attempt to re-upload the sales.

    • If you need to fix and reupload a CSV, you must update the file name before uploading.

Manually upload a Single Sale to Metrc:

Bulk push allows dispensaries to report sales for an entire day or date range to Metrc.

  1. Navigate to the Sales tab of Cashier.

  2. Select a failed or partially uploaded sale.

  3. Select Actions, then Download on the right.

    • If you can’t find the file, check your computer’s downloads folder.

  4. Navigate to your METRC portal and log in.

  5. On METRC’s site navigate to Sales > Import Sales > Sales (New).

    • Make sure that you have the sales tab selected. By default, you will be navigated to the packages tab.

  6. Upload the affected day's CSV.

  7. If the upload fails, Metrc will show which lines you'll need to correct before you can attempt to re-upload the sales.

    • If you need to fix and reupload a CSV, you must update the file name before uploading.

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