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Managing Store Settings
Managing Store Settings

This article will explain how to access Store Settings and what can be managed in this section.

Ari Clouse avatar
Written by Ari Clouse
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Flowhub Maui allows users to manage certain settings for their Stores, which are accessible to those who have the permissions on their Role to make changes to these settings.

Accessing Store Settings

  1. From any page in Maui, select the name of your dispensary as it appears in the upper right corner. If you have the appropriate Permissions on your Role (the "Can Edit" permission on "Stores"), you will see "Store Settings" at the bottom of the list of all of your Locations.

2. Select "Store Settings", and a new window will appear with the settings.

3. Use the navigation bar on the left side of the Store Settings window to move between sections. More information about each section is below.


This section allows you to manage additional settings that may be necessary for budtender and fulfillment workflows. More information about each setting is below.

Set Minimum Price for Cannabis Items

Selecting this setting will prevent any cannabis item from being discounted in the cart to 100% or $0.00. When this setting is enabled, you have the ability to enter a minimum price (for example, $0.01), and if a budtender attempts to discount a cannabis product for "free," the cart will force a $0.01 minimum for the product in the cart at checkout.

In-Store Fulfillment

Selecting this setting will enable the In-Store Order Fulfillment workflow, where budtenders send order tickets to a back room for fulfillment instead of gathering the product for the customer themselves directly at the time of sale. For more information on the In-Store Order Fulfillment Workflow, please reference this article here.

Clear Cart When Printing Order Ticket

This is an optional setting for Stores with the In-Store Fulfillment setting enabled. When this setting is enabled, the customer's Cart will be cleared when the budtender selects "Send to Fulfillment." When the order has been fulfilled and the customer is ready to check out, the budtender must add the specific products to the cart again. This adds a "check" step to the In-Store Fulfillment workflow to ensure the correct customer is paired with the correct order at check out.

Recheck Customer ID

This optional setting can be enabled for any store. When enabled, budtenders will need to reconfirm Customer IDs when they select a customer from the queue at checkout. A "Verify ID" window displays the customer's date of birth as entered into their customer profile. This adds a "check" step to ensure the budtender is working with the correct customer.

Selecting "Return to Queue" will return the Customer to the Queue. Selecting "Confirm" will allow the budtender to build the cart or check out the customer.

Do Not Require PIN for Inline Discounts

Selecting this box allows all employees to enter inline discounts without using their 4-digit PIN. Inline discounts are "one-off" discounts not created in deals and given on the spot.

Allow Cart Totals To Be Rounded Up

If this setting is enabled, your team will have the ability to round the total cart subtotal up to the nearest whole dollar. When turning on this setting, you must establish a name for the fee that customers will see when the cart is rounded up. For more information on Cart Rounding, visit this article.

Show Purchase History From Active Store Only

This applies if you have multiple stores. If this is selected, Flowhub will only show purchase history from the store the employee is currently active on right now.

Enable Live Checkin

Pull the purchase limits of medical card holders directly from state regulators. This is may not be available in your market.

Block Checkout if Live Limit Check Fails

When enabled, a budtender won't be able to collect payment on a transaction if Flowhub fails to fetch purchase limits from a regulator.

Limit Customer Purchases By Category

When enabled, this will let clients choose to limit what certain customers can buy via category. This is a requirement for MS compliance

Play 'Ding' Sound On Order Ahead Page

When this setting is enabled, any order ahead orders (delivery, pickup, kiosk, etc) will produce a 'ding' sound, alerting your staff there is a new order to fulfill.

Disable Gift Card SKU Generation

If this setting is enabled, Flowhub will not generate an SKU for your gift cards, and your staff will instead need to scan the gift card barcode when selling a gift card. For more information on gift cards, please visit this article.


The entire Package Must Be In One Room / Push Inventory/Package Moves to Metric

  • These settings may be required to be enabled in certain states; check your state's regulations.

    • We recommend that you consolidate each inventory item into one room before toggling on the settings.

  • In states where this is optional, inventory and compliance managers may find it valuable to have Metrc and Flowhub more closely reflect the same data regarding where packages are in your facility.

  • The "Entire Package in Must Be in One Room" setting forces entire quantities rather than partial to be moved when moving inventory items between rooms.

  • The "Push Inventory/Package Moves to Metrc" setting can only be enabled when "Entire Package Must Be in One Room" is enabled. When enabled, inventory moves will be reported to Metrc in a room/location that currently exists in Metrc with the same name as the Flowhub room (case insensitive).

    • If a room doesn't exist in Metrc with the same name, one will be created.

    • Ensure users have the correct permissions in Metrc to perform package moves.

  • When both settings are enabled and inventory is moved between Rooms in Flowhub, the success message will confirm the move has also been reported to Metrc:

Enable On Hold Packages

If your store uses On Hold packages in your Metrc workflows, you can view and manage them in Flowhub inventory by enabling this setting. When "Enable On Hold Packages" is enabled, any Packages in Metrc that are marked as "On Hold" will display with a hand icon in Flowhub Inventory, indicating the package is On Hold, and budtending staff will be blocked from making sales on that package until the package is no longer On Hold. You'll also be able to mark a package in Flowhub as "On Hold", which will mark the package in Metrc as "On Hold" as well. For more on this feature, please see our Product Team's Release Note.

Flag Inventory Items Over the Individual Item Purchase Limit

When this setting is enabled, inventory over the legal limit of sale will alert your staff. This is beneficial because it allows your team to catch an error (e.g., entering 10000mg THC instead of 100mg on an edible) before the item is added to a customer's cart and pushes the sale over the legal limit.

Refunded Inventory

When your budtenders perform a Return or Refund, you will need to select which Room that inventory should be sent to. Flowhub's recommendation is to create a separate Room named "Returned Inventory" for this purpose. This will ensure that any returned inventory is not moved back to the Sales Floor, and can be wasted out appropriately or removed from inventory as needed.

Return Items to Inventory by Default During Refunds

When this setting is enabled, during a refund, the "return to inventory" box will automatically be selected. The team can always unselect this box during a refund if it is not desired to be added back into inventory.

Note: The "Return to Inventory" box will not appear if a returns room is not established in store settings.

Auto-Removing Zero-Quantity Inventory

This setting allows you to configure a number of days that Flowhub Maui will keep zero quantity inventory in the system.

Select the Store, and enter the number of Days in which zero-quantity inventory should remain in Maui until it is automatically removed by the system. The number of days you enter would depend on your store's standard operating frequency for inventory auditing, and/or how frequently your store tends to sell out of inventory items. For this reason, we recommend setting this number of days to be equal to the number of days in which you expect to and/or are willing to provide refunds on sales or void sales:

  • When a sale is voided or refunded and the “Return to Inventory” checkbox is checked Flowhub attempts to automatically increment the inventory item in the system that was sold. If the inventory item has been automatically removed from the system, this won’t happen and the item may need to be recreated if you still have sellable items on hand.

If no changes are made to these settings, any inventory at a quantity of zero remains in your inventory indefinitely by default.

  • Zero Quantity inventory can always be manually removed from Inventory by a user with the "Can Delete" permission on Inventory on their Role.


These settings allow you to add additional tender types at checkout to allow you to record other tenders that were collected as part of the transaction.

When enabled, they will appear on the screen at checkout.

Please note that enabling these settings does not enable any integration with Aeropay or credit card readers. These fields are only intended to allow you to record transactions for which payment is completed in an external system outside of cash or our debit card solution, Flowhub Pay.

When "Include Debit Tips In Drawer Expected Cash Count" is enabled, debit tips will be included when closing the drawer.


Print Receipt After Sale

When this setting is enabled, receipts will automatically print when a sale is complete. If this setting is not enabled, a receipt will not automatically print but there will be an option to print a receipt after the sale is complete.

Only Print Exit Labels For Items Sold By Weight

Items sold by weight are any items that you physically weigh out on a scale before selling to a customer (ie. Bulk Flower). Most stores do not need exit labels for other categories anymore because everything already comes packaged, but items that are not pre-packed might need labels printed. Enabling this setting would disable any exit labels to print, unless it is sold by weight.

Print 1 Exit Label For Same Batch of Products

Selecting this checkbox will allow you to print a single label for a group of the same item. If this box is unselected, if a customer purchased 72 drinks, 72 labels will print. If this box is selected, if a customer purchased 72 drinks, 1 label will print.

Select Categories for Exit Labels

Here, you can select the Product Categories that you would like to have exit labels printed at the time of sale.


Require Consent for Customer Data Retention

When enabled a checkbox will appear when adding a customer that reads "Consents to Data Retention." If that box is not checked, you won't be able to retrieve that customer profile post-sale.

Auto-Retain Customer Data

When enabled with "Require Consent for Customer Data Retention," the "Consents to Data Retention" is automatically checked when adding customers. That box must be manually unchecked if the customer does not consent to data retention.

Auto-Enroll Rec Customers in Loyalty

Automatically enroll all recreational customers in your Flowhub loyalty program.

Auto-Enroll Med Customers in Loyalty

Automatically enroll all medical customers in your Flowhub loyalty program.

Fields Required to Enroll in Loyalty

Set what data is required when adding a customer to enroll them in your Flowhub loyalty program.



These optional settings allow you to leverage Flowhub unique Metrc Sales auditing feature.

  • First, select the user whose Metrc API key you'd like to use to perform either or both of the following actions, then select the actions:

  • Automatically Audit Metrc Deliveries

    • Enabling this setting will configure Flowhub to automatically fix the following errors for your delivery orders:

      • If a delivery is incomplete in Flowhub, but successfully completed in Metrc, Flowhub will automatically update the sale status to reported in Flowhub.

      • If a delivery has been completed in Flowhub, but is still in progress in Metrc, Flowhub will automatically update the Metrc delivery as completed.

  • Automatically Audit Metrc Sales And Re-Push Failed Sales:

    • Configure Flowhub to automatically audit your sales in Metrc and resolve issues where Metrc didn't save the sale due to an issue on their end or sales were duplicated. We'll also mark sales as reported in Flowhub that were uploaded via CSV. This keeps Flowhub and Metrc in sync and prevents accidentally duplicating a sale in Metrc via API after it has been uploaded via CSV.

  • Automatically Report Any Unreported Sales Nightly

    • Enabling this setting will configure Flowhub to automatically push any unreported sales for the day, whether you have a sale that failed to report live, or you perform all your bulk sales pushes at the end of the day.

    • This will occur at 3 am Eastern Time each night.

  • Automatically Look Up External Inventory IDs When Saving Inventory Items

    • Enabling this setting will configure Flowhub to automatically look up an item's Metrc Retail ID and associate it with the batch upon saving an inventory item. This adds an extra check when scanning an item into a cart, ensuring the Retail ID matches.

  • Automatically Finish Metrc Packages

    • Automatically finish Metrc packages once they reach zero quantity, eliminating the need for manual completion. Every day at 4 AM Eastern Time, Flowhub will automatically finish Metrc packages that have reached zero (0) quantity in both Flowhub and Metrc, have no inventory discrepancies, and are not in any active carts or pending order-ahead orders.


This dropdown must be selected before communication with BioTrack can occur. To learn more about how to establish a connection with BioTrack, please review this article.


If your state requires that your taxes be calculated cumulatively, this allows you to enable that setting by store. You will still need to set up the taxes cumulatively in Pricing and Taxes after this is enabled. You can read more about how to manage Cumulative Taxes in this article here.


To better streamline your opening and closing operations, you may opt to have budtenders enter a single number for the total cash in the drawer, instead of the default option, which is to enter each cash denomination value when opening a drawer.

When this setting is disabled, users will enter individual cash denominations (# of Fives, # of Tens, etc.) when opening or closing a Drawer.

When this setting is enabled, users will enter a single cash total when opening or closing a Drawer.

  • More on this workflow option in our Drawers article here.


Require PIN After Inactivity

With this setting enabled, team members who are left idle for fifteen minutes or more must enter their PIN to continue using Flowhub. This prevents anyone outside of your team from accessing your data.

For even greater security, users can also choose to log out of Flowhub entirely when stepping away.

Operating Hours

Allows your team to establish store operating hours.

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