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Cart Rounding

This article explains how to add a Cart Rounding Fee to round up cart totals to nearest whole dollar values.

Ari Clouse avatar
Written by Ari Clouse
Updated over 3 months ago

While Flowhub Maui's always had Out the Door Pricing, there are some scenarios where a cart total can still result in change, like when using a percentage discount. By enabling a setting in Store Settings, your staff can now have the option to round any cart total up to the nearest dollar, making cash handling easier and less time consuming.

As an example, with this feature you can change a cart total from $43.23 to $44.00 with a single click of a button.

Enabling the Cart Rounding Setting

Note that you'll need the Store Settings permissions on your Role to be able to make this change.

  1. Select the name of your Store in the upper-right corner of Flowhub Maui, then select Store Settings.

  2. Under the Carts section:

    • Select the "Allow Cart Totals to be Rounded Up" option.

    • (Optional) In the Cart Rounding Fee Name field, enter a custom label for the rounding fee (e.g., "Round Up for Charity").

  3. Click Save Settings to apply your changes.

Using Cart Rounding in Cashier

When the Allow Cart Totals to be Rounded Up setting is enabled for a store, a new "Round Total" button will appear in carts.

  1. Build a cart for a customer.

  2. Select "Round Total" to round up the cart to the nearest whole dollar total.

    • This will add a Cart Total Round Up Fee to the transaction to round up to the nearest dollar. The fee will adjust to keep the total rounded up as items are added or removed from the cart.

  3. To remove the Rounding Fee, simply select the Remove Rounding option to revert the cart total to its original amount.

Cart Rounding in Reporting / Analytics

All sales that are completed while the cart is rounded will include this Cart Total Round Up Fee in reporting for accounting purposes.

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