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This article will explain how to void transactions in Flowhub Maui.

Valerie avatar
Written by Valerie
Updated over 5 months ago

Flowhub Maui allows users to Void completed sales at any time. If your dispensary is operating in a state that uses a Metrc API integration, Voids conducted in Flowhub will also be voided in Metrc.

Watch the video below to learn how to void a sale:

Void a Transaction From Sales

  1. Navigate to the Sales tab from Cashier.

  2. Select the sale you wish to Void.

    • You can select a sale from the past by adjusting the date range at the top of the page.

  3. Select the Void button. A prompt will appear asking you to confirm the Void and enter any Notes or Reasons for the Voided sale:

  4. Enter a reason for the Void.

  5. Select "Submit."

    • A red VOIDED flag will appear next to the sale in the customer’s Sales tab:

  6. If your dispensary has an active integration with a regulator such as Metrc, you will also see the sale voided in the regulator as well. The Status on the Sale will say "Voided" and "Reported" to indicate a successfully Voided sale that was also voided in the Regulator:

  7. If the Void failed to push to the regulator, you will see the Status indicating that the sale was voided in Flowhub but not pushed:

Resolving "Void Not Reported" Errors

  1. If the Void operation fails to report successfully to Metrc, you'll see the "Void Not Reported" flag in the Status column.

  2. Select the Sale where the Void was Not Reported.

  3. In the Details pane on the right side you will see information about the void failing to report, and the "Reporting Status" on the sale will be "Void in Progress."

  4. Select "Void in Regulator" to re-push the Void to Metrc. If you continue to experience issues, we recommend re-setting the Employee's Metrc API key.

    • If you continue to experience issues with Voiding after resetting the API key, reach out to our Product Support team for further assistance.

Voiding a Transaction from Checkout

  1. Check in a customer into the Queue and open a cart with them by selecting their name.

  2. Select the "Previous Purchases" tab under "Customer Notes":

  3. Select a transaction.

  4. Select "Void" from the panel on the right.

  5. Enter a reason for the Void.

  6. Select "Submit."

    • A red VOIDED flag will appear next to the sale in the customer’s Sales tab.

  7. Navigate back to the "Inventory" tab under the Customer Notes to continue checking out a customer or patient.

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