If you'd like your Cash Drawer to open after completing a sale in Flowhub, it will be helpful to first confirm that you are using a Cash Drawer and a Receipt Printer that is on the recommended hardware list.
Unlike printers, Cash Drawers do not connect to the Flowhub Maui app directly.
The Cash Drawer should be set up as a peripheral to the Receipt Printer. A physical cable is necessary for this.
If your cable is connected but is still unable to pop the drawer when a receipt prints, check that the cable is plugged in the correct direction - it can be plugged in "both ways" but will only work one way.
Then, the Receipt Printer should be configured to the Flowhub Maui App (instructions on that here).
If the Cash Drawer is connected to the Receipt Printer properly, and a receipt is printed in the Flowhub Maui App, the Cash Drawer will open.
Purchasing Hardware with our Partner: Venture Sourcing Group
Flowhub partners with Venture Sourcing Group to provide our customers with a hardware provider that can assist with setup and troubleshooting when you purchase from them. Venture specializes in hardware reselling for the cannabis industry and has five years of experience in the sector.
We recommend ordering your hardware through Venture Sourcing Group and not a drop shipment company. Venture Sourcing Group can guarantee their products and labor when using recommended hardware.
Visit this page for hardware pricing or for more information about hardware and support packages.
Important: In order to access Flowhub special pricing at the website above, customers will need to add items to the cart and apply the discount code: FLOWHUBHW (case sensitive)
You may also contact our reps at Venture Sourcing directly: