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Cannabis Lounges

How to use Maui to support a consumption lounge workflow where customers order and consume cannabis in a restaurant-style setting

Ari Clouse avatar
Written by Ari Clouse
Updated over 4 months ago

A cannabis lounge (also known as a "consumption lounge" in some states) is a workflow allowed in certain states that allows customers to order and consume cannabis in a restaurant-style setting. With this, a customer can place multiple orders to the “kitchen” and keep a running tab of the purchases.

With this workflow you can:

  • Add multiple customers to a table

  • Send multiple orders to Fulfillment

  • Keep a running tab of each customer’s orders during their time at the lounge, and check them out at the end.

Enabling Cannabis Lounge Workflow in Flowhub

  1. Reach out to your Flowhub account rep or our Product Support team to have the cannabis lounge setting enabled in the back-end for your dispensary.

Adding Customers to Tables

  1. While on the Cashier tab of Maui, check in a customer into the Queue by scanning their ID using the Greet app or searching for / creating their customer profile manually.

  2. Cannabis Lounges are organized by Tables. You'll add Customers to Tables in order to keep track of their running tab for checkout at the end when they leave the lounge.

  3. When a Customer is in the Queue, select the three dots next to the Customer name and select "Add to Table."

    • If you don't see "Add to Table" - contact our Product Support team at to request that the Cannabis Lounge setting be enabled for your dispensary.

      • In the screenshot below, there are two tables already open with customers.

  4. A dropdown will appear, prompting you to choose which table the Customer should be assigned to. You can add Customers to existing Tables or create new ones, but each Table will need a name.

  5. The customer will appear in the Queue under their assigned Table:

  6. If you've assigned a Customer to the incorrect Table, you're able to assign them to a different table.

    • Click on the Customer's Name in the Queue, so their Cart is open.

    • With the Customer's Cart Open, re-expand the Queue by selecting the arrow at the top:

    • With the Queue re-expanded, you can select the three dots next to the Customer's Name to re-assign to a different table. You'll again have the option of creating a new table, or assigning to an existing table.

Taking Orders

  1. To take a customer's order, select their name from the Table in the Customer Queue. The Customer's Name will come to the top of the screen as if you're building their cart as usual:

  2. Add items to the Customer's Cart.

  3. Once the order is complete, select "Send To Fulfillment" above "Collect Payment."

    • Please Note: Only items in that specific order will be sent to fulfillment. If the customer has had previous orders sent to fulfillment from their current time at the lounge, those items will still be displayed in the cart, but not on any new order tickets.

  4. When the order has been fulfilled and is ready to deliver to the table, you'll see that order in the "Ready" column in the Order Ahead pane from the Cashier view (select "Order Ahead" in the purple bar at the top of the screen):

  5. When a customer places a new order while at the lounge, simply select their name from their Table in the queue, add the new item to the cart, and select "Send to Fulfillment" again. You'll see all previously-ordered-and/or-fulfilled items in the Customer's cart throughout their visit to the Lounge, so that the full tab can be calculated at checkout.

Fulfilling Orders

  1. Once the order has been sent to Fulfillment, the Customer's order will appear in the Order Ahead Tab and a fulfillment ticket will print with the order details and the Table.

    • Please Note: Only items in that specific order will be sent to fulfillment. If the customer has had previous orders sent to fulfillment from their current time at the lounge, those items will still be displayed in the cart, but not on any new order tickets.

  2. To View the order in the Order Ahead pane and mark the order as ready, navigate to the "Order Ahead" tab in the purple bar at the top of the Cashier page.

    • You can easily filter all your Lounge orders (from any other online pick up orders, etc.) by using the "Lounge" tag filter at the top of the page.

  3. Select the Order to fulfill in the "New" Column. The cart will display with the items that need to be fulfilled. Select "Mark Order as Ready" when the order is ready for the wait staff to bring to the customer.

  4. Select the "Back to Status Board" link above the Customer's Name and you'll see that the order is now in the Ready column. The Waitstaff can use this "Ready" column to see which orders are ready to bring back to tables and deliver to customers.

Checking Out A Table

When a Table is ready to check out and leave the cannabis lounge, payment is collected with each individual Customer. Each customer must pay separately for their individual order.

  1. In the Queue, select the Customer from the Table that you'd like to check out.

  2. With the Customer's Cart open, select "Collect Payment" in the lower left corner, and check out the customer. Each Customer must pay individually for their own purchases.

  3. Once all Customers at a Table have been checked out, the Table will be removed from the Queue.

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