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This article will explain how the Customers tab works in Flowhub Maui.

Valerie avatar
Written by Valerie
Updated over 4 months ago

This section will display a list of your customers at all times and gives options to manage their profiles or check them in. You can add in a new customer, check in a customer, edit customer profiles, delete customers, and view their purchase history from this section.

Create a New Customer

  1. On the top of the page, select "CUSTOMERS" or "Cashier" from the pop-out menu to the right of the Flowhub Leaf.

  2. Select "New Customer" at the top of the screen in the CUSTOMERS tab or the bottom of the screen in the CASHIER tab.

    • If you have a dual license or your market supports medical and recreational customers, you'll be prompted to choose a customer type.

  3. Enter any required information.

    • Required information is marked with an asterisk.

    • If using the NUG and scanning a state ID, these fields will be auto-populated.

      • If your Customer does not have a state ID, select an "Alternate ID Type" underneath the State ID field to capture a passport, military ID, or other ID number and expiration.

    • Local laws may not allow you to save customers' information without their permission.

      • Any profiles entered without the "Permission to Retain" data will not have their profile saved.

    • The ‘How did you hear about us?” field in this section is a free text field track customer sources. As responses are entered, they'll be available to choose from a dropdown for the next time.

  4. Select "SAVE" or "SAVE & CHECK IN" at the top of the window.

Check In a Customer

  1. On the top of the page, select "CUSTOMERS" from the pop-out menu to the right of the Flowhub Leaf.

  2. Select or search for a Customer in your Customers List.

  3. On the right side of the screen, select ‘Check In.’

  4. Navigate to the Cashier tab, and you’ll notice that customer is in the Queue.

Edit a Customer

  1. On the top of the page, select "CUSTOMERS" from the pop-out menu to the right of the Flowhub Leaf.

  2. Select or search for a Customer in your Customers List

  3. Select "EDIT."

  4. Select "SAVE" or "SAVE & CHECK IN."

Changing a Customer From Med to Rec (or Rec to Med)

If your location serves both Medical and Recreational customers, you will have the ability to change a customer's Type if needed. This is done at the top of the Customer profile under Basics:

When changing a Customer Type, you will be prompted to confirm:

  • If you change a customer from Medical to Recreational, the Med ID data will be removed from the customer's record.

  • Reports will reflect the customer type at the time of their most recent sale - if they made a purchase on Wednesday as a Rec customer, and on Friday their Customer type was changed to Medical - the sale on Wednesday will still reflect that the customer was Recreational at that time, while any future sales will reflect the Customer's new Type.

Customer Data Retention Settings

Depending on your store's settings and the regulations in your state, you may need to obtain explicit consent from Customers in order to retain their data. This is discussed in more detail in this article here.

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