Flowhub Maui's Deals Engine makes it quick and easy to build many common deals for your dispensary.
Here are some examples that can help you get started:
Daily Category Discount Deals ("Munchie Mondays," etc.)
Customer Group Deals ("Veterans' Discount," etc.)
BOGO Deals ("Buy 4 Pre Rolls, get 1 for a penny", etc.)
Buy X of something for $Y Total ("Buy 5 Gummies for $100", etc.)
Max X Number of Customers get this Deal ("First 50 Customers on 4/20 get a free t-shirt," etc.)
To create a new Deal in Flowhub:
Open the menu on the left side, and navigate to "Deals."
Your Employee Role will need "Can View, Can Edit, Can Create and Can Delete" permissions on Deals to do this.
Select "New Deal" in the upper right corner of the Deals landing page. Then follow the instructions for the specific Deal you're building below.
First-Time Customer Discount Deal
In this Deal, any customer who is shopping at your store for the first time would get a set discount on the cart that you determine.
Let's set up a Deal where any first-time customer will get 20% off their cart value.
Select "Cart Discount" as the Deal Type.
Under Deal Limitations, find the "Previous purchases necessary for deal eligibility" setting and set it to "0."
This setting will reference a Customer's previous purchases at your store - first time customers haven't made any purchases, so we want this to be set to "zero."
Use Separate Previous Purchase Count for Each Store - Unchecked/Unenabled: If you operate multiple locations in Flowhub, a customer will only get the First Time Deal once, no matter which location they shop.
Use Separate Previous Purchase Count for Each Store - Checked/Enabled: If you operate multiple locations in Flowhub, a customer will get the First Time Deal every time they shop at a different one of your locations.
Scroll past "Timeframe" and find the "Discount" section. Under "Discount," Select %Off, and enter 20 (or your own custom amount) as the Discount Amount.
Select "Save as Active" in the upper right corner, and your First Time Customer Deal is built!
OPTIONAL: build additional "Second Time" or "Third Time" Returning Customer Deals that reference different "Previous purchases necessary for deal eligibility," to incentivize newer customers to come back soon.
First-Time Customer Discount Deal - In the Cart
It's Art Vandelay's first time visiting this location, so he gets 20% off his first purchase. The Deal automatically applies as we add items to the cart. Next time Art comes back to the store, his Previous Purchases count will be greater than zero, so he won't receive this Deal again.
Daily Category Discount Deals
Some dispensaries like to discount an entire category on specific days of the week to encourage customers who prefer products from those categories to shop on less-busier days.
Let's set up a Deal for "Munchie Mondays," where customers can get $5 off any Edible, and we want them to only receive that $5 discount on one Edible.
Select "Product Discount" as the Deal Type.
Under Deal Limitations, find "Uses per transaction" and enter "1."
Under "Timeframe," find "Days Available" and select "Monday."
Under Product Discount, enter "1" as the Quantity Multiple for "Will apply to every X of these items added to the cart."
Using the dropdown fields, select "Edibles" under Category.
This will ensure that anything in your Product Catalog with a Category of Edibles is included in the Deal.
Additional parameters can be added to narrow down the list of eligible products for the Deal, such as Brand (e.g. Wana) or Type (e.g. Gummies)
These dropdown lists populate from whatever's entered on the "Brand" and "Type" fields on Products in the Inventory -> Product Catalog.
Exclude specific brands from the discount by selecting the "Is Not" Checkbox above the Brand filter.
Review the list of Products on the right side of the page that are eligible for the Deal. Exclude any Products that should not be included by selecting the red "Exclude" text on the right.
Select the purple "Add Products" button (in this example there are 21 Products with Category of Edibles) to save the Filter.
Set up the Discount Amount.
Select "Save as Active" in the upper right corner of the Deals page, and your Munchie Mondays Deal is built!
Munchie Mondays Deal - in the Cart
Allison loves Edibles and comes to the shop on Mondays to get $5 off any Edible. Today is Monday and she's getting two different flavors of gummies and a pre roll. When we add the items to the cart we see only one Edible product get the $5 discount:
Customer Group Deals
Many dispensaries like to offer discounts to specific groups of customers as a form of appreciation or recognition. For example, you may want to set up an Employee Discount or a Veteran's Discount. This is easy to do in Flowhub using Customer Groups and Deals.
Let's set up a Veteran's Discount that gives 10% off to Veterans only when they spend at least $25.
First, create the Customer Group. Open the Menu on the left side and navigate to Customers, then select "Groups" from the purple bar at the top of the page:
Select "New Group" and create a Veterans Group (the Description field is optional), then Save the Group.
Navigate back to Deals using the left-hand menu and select "New Deal."
Enter the Name of Deal and Select "Cart Subtotal Discount" as the Deal Type.
Under Deal Limitations, locate the "Limit by Customer Group" filter, and select the Veterans Group that was created in Step 2.
Under the "Discount" section, set up the Discount. In this example it's 10%.
Optional: Let's say that we only want to give this discount if a Veteran spends $25 or more. We can add that under Additional Settings under "Minimum Cart Subtotal to Qualify for Deal."
Select "Save as Active" in the upper right corner to save your Veteran's Discount Deal!
Customer Group Discount - in the Cart
Juan served in the Navy and loves the Veterans Discount at his favorite local dispensary. They can check him into the store quickly by scanning his ID with the Greet app, and since he belongs to the Veterans Customer Group on his profile, no matter what he buys, as long as he spends at least $25, he'll get 10% off:
BOGO (Buy One Get One) Deals
You can encourage more sales on your inventory by setting up deals where customers save when they purchase multiples of the same type of Product.
Let's set up an example where a Customer can get an additional 1g pre-roll for a penny when they purchase 4 1g pre-rolls. We can use the "Weight/Volume" parameter in Deals to only make 1g Pre rolls eligible for the discount.
Set up the Name of Deal and select "Buy and Get" as the Deal Type.
Under the "Customer Buys" section, add the parameters for what's eligible to receive the Deal.
Review the list of Products that meet the criteria on the right, Exclude anything that shouldn't be included, and select "Add Products" to save the parameters.
Under "Customer Buys," set the Quantity Multiple to 5 in "Will apply to every X of these items added to the cart."
This field should describe the multiple of a quantity of items in a cart to trigger the deal.
If we want to give a fifth pre roll away for a penny when a customer buys four, we need the Deal to trigger when the fifth pre roll is added to the cart.
In this example, if a Customer purchases ten pre-rolls, they'll receive 2 of those pre-rolls for free.
Under "Customer Gets," select "1" of "The Same As Buys" to indicate that one of the 5 pre rolls in the cart will be discounted.
To set the discount for a penny, select "For $0.01" in the discount option dropdown, which will automatically configure "At a New Price" of "$0.01." Please note the new price entered should always be the price per item, not the cart total.
Select "Save as Active" in the upper right corner to save your BOGO Preroll deal!
BOGO Deal in the Cart
Esperanza loves to stock up on pre-rolls before heading out for her yearly trip to her family's cabin. She was only going to purchase 3 today but because there was a Deal to get a fifth pre roll for a penny, she purchased more.
She picked up 3 of one type of pre roll, then selected two more. Flowhub Maui's Deals Engine automatically chose the cheapest pre-roll to discount:
Buy X of Something for $Y Total Deals
Another way to encourage sales is to incentivize customers to purchase multiples of the same product for a discounted rate.
Let's set up a Deal where a customer can purchase 5 of any flavor of our store's in-house branded 100mg Gummies for $100.
In our example, these Gummies are typically sold for $25 each (5 x $25 = $125).
What we'll do is use the Product Discount Deal Type to set New Item Prices for make the gummies $15 each when purchased in a multiple of 5 (5 x $15 = $100).
Set the Deal Name and select Product Discount as the Deal Type.
Under "Product Discount", set the Quantity Multiple to 5 in "Will apply to every X of these items added to the cart."
Use the filters to select what Products in the Catalog are eligible for the Deal.
In this example, we want all flavors of "Dreaming of Paradise 100mg Gummies". We've got Flavors built as Variants under this Product, so just entering the Product Name filter will get us all available variants.
We could also get the same results filtering by Category (Edibles), Brand (Dreaming of Paradise), and Type (Gummies):
Confirm the Selected Products by selecting the "Add Products" button.
Select the Discount type of At a New Price and enter $20.
When 5 Dreaming of Paradise 100mg Gummies are added to the cart, they will be repriced from $25 each to $20 each, resulting in the customer receiving 5 Gummies for $100 (instead of $125). Please note the new price entered should always be the price per item, not the cart total.
This will apply to any multiple of 5 added to a cart.
Select "Save as Active" in the upper right corner to save your Deal!
Buy X for $Y Total Deal in the Cart
Sebastian loves the in-house gummies at Dreaming of Paradise and always stocks up when he makes a visit to the store because they're a great dael. He's getting 2 packs of Watermelon, 2 packs of Pineapple, and a pack of Strawberry for $100 total!
Max X Number of Customers get this Deal
You may want to run a promotion where you'd like to limit how many times a Deal can be used in total. For example, you could give away a free item for the first 50 customers that visit the store on a certain day, or want to only allow a certain Deal to be redeemed 100 times before it expires. This is possible in Flowhub Maui Deals using the "Total Uses" Deal Limitation.
Let's set up a Deal where the first 50 Customers that visit the store and spend $100 on 4/20 get a free t-shirt with purchase.
Enter the Name of Deal and select "Product Discount" as the Deal Type.
Under Deal Limitations, find "Total Uses" and enter 50.
Under Timeframe, select "Restrict by Date" and select 4/20 as the Date.
Under Product Discount, find the T-Shirt item that will be the giveaway using the Product Filters. This will be the product that must be added to the cart for the Deal to apply.
Confirm the selected Products by selecting the "Add Products" button, and enter 1 in the "Will apply to every X of these items added to the cart" section to have this deal apply when any multiple of 1 T-Shirt is added to the cart.
For the Discount type, use the dropdown to select "For Free," which will automatically configure "At a New Price" of "$0.00."
Under Additional Settings, select Requires Minimum Subtotal and enter $100.
Select "Save as Active" in the upper right corner and save your Deal!
Max X Number of Customers get this Deal - in the Cart
Jessica loves the 4/20 Doorbuster deals that her local dispensary offers. This year, the first 50 customers to spend $100 will get a free t-shirt. She gets there early, and to hit the purchase requirement of $100, she picks up 5 packs of Blueberry gummies. When the Budtender adds a t-shirt to the cart, it automatically discounts the shirt to free.
Once this Free TShirt Deal has been used 50 times - i.e. for the first 50 purchases, that discount won't apply anymore.