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The Metrc Tab

This article guides users through using the Metrc tab in Flowhub Maui and provides an overview of each Discrepancy type.

Valerie avatar
Written by Valerie
Updated over a week ago

Metrc (Tab):

The Metrc tab in Maui uses an API integration with Metrc to display your Active Packages, compare them to your inventory in Maui, and allow you to take action on discrepancies between the two systems. You can also use the Metrc tab to import new inventory into Maui.

Using the Metrc Tab

Please note that the following must be in place to use the Metrc tab:

  • The Dispensary must have an active license in a state that uses Metrc for tracking.

  • The User who is logged in must have a Metrc API key on their user.

    • Please note that the user's Metrc API key must give the user access to the "Packages" tab in Metrc.

  • There are Active Packages associated with the retail license in Metrc that have a "Last Modified Date" of 90 days or less.

To navigate to the Metrc tab:

  1. Navigate to Inventory using the menu selector at the top left of the screen

  2. Once in Inventory, select "Metrc" from the purple submenu bar in the top middle of the screen.

  3. The page will sync to Metrc and you will see your Active Packages in Metrc with any relevant discrepancies. Each discrepancy type and resolution is outlined below.

Understanding the Discrepancy Type: Active Pkg Not in Flowhub

This discrepancy type next to a package in the Metrc tab indicates that you have an active package in your Metrc, but no corresponding inventory in Maui. You cannot make sales on this package in Maui until it is brought in as inventory. To correct this discrepancy, follow the steps below.

  1. First, ensure that you have the corresponding Product built in your Product Catalog. You cannot bring the inventory into Maui until this step is completed first.

  2. Select the package with the discrepancy "Active Pkg Not in Flowhub."

  3. On the right side you will see details about the Package and button options to "Fix Flowhub" and "Fix Metrc."

4. Select "Fix Flowhub". This will bring you to the Inventory Import page, where you are prompted to select the Product from your Catalog and bring the package into your Maui inventory.

  • Maui has a "fuzzy matching" capability to auto-select a Product for you if it is similar to the name of the Package in Metrc. If an incorrect Product was selected, you can choose the correct Product by selecting the name of the Product with the hourglass button.

5. Once you have brought in the inventory, you can re-sync the Metrc tab by selecting "Sync from Metrc" at the top of the page. The package should no longer be displayed with the Discrepancy Type of "Active Pkg Not in Flowhub."

Understanding the Discrepancy Type: Quantity Discrepancy

This discrepancy type next to a package in the Metrc tab indicates that you have a package that is in Metrc and Flowhub, but there is a quantity discrepancy between the two systems. This can be useful when conducting inventory audits, and Maui allows you to adjust the quantity in either Flowhub or Metrc from this tab.

BEST PRACTICE: As with all inventory auditing processes, it's important to have a single "source of truth." Your dispensary may decide that Metrc is your source of truth, or Maui is your source of truth. First, conduct your inventory audit by physically auditing (i.e., counting) the quantity of your package in the real world in your dispensary. Then, adjust the correct quantity in whichever system is your source of truth. You can then use the Metrc tab in Maui to seamlessly match the other system's quantity value to the source of truth.

To correct this discrepancy, follow the steps below.

  1. Select the package with the discrepancy "Quantity."

  2. On the right-hand side, you will see the quantity in Maui and the quantity in Metrc. You will need to choose which system you would like to update.

  1. Updating Metrc quantity to match Flowhub quantity ("Fix Metrc"):

    1. Select "Fix Metrc." A modal will appear allowing you to adjust the package quantity directly in Metrc.

    2. The quantity input will be auto-filled with Flowhub's calculated quantity for the item regardless of UOM or multiple weights the item is being sold by. You can always change this number.

    3. The "Reasons" dropdown is populated by Metrc's official package adjustment reasons for your state. The "Notes" field is dynamically required dependent on which reason is selected per Metrc. These reasons and notes will be recorded in Metrc.

    4. Select "Adjust Package via API".

    5. Once you have adjusted the package quantity, you can re-sync the Metrc tab at the top of the page by selecting "Sync from Metrc." The package should no longer be displayed with the Discrepancy Type of "Quantity Discrepancy."

  2. Updating Flowhub quantity to match Metrc quantity ("Fix Flowhub"):

    1. Select "Fix Flowhub." A modal will appear allowing you to adjust the inventory quantity directly in Flowhub.

    2. Choose a Room to adjust.

    3. The quantity input will be auto-filled with Flowhub's calculated quantity for the item regardless of UOM or multiple weights the item is being sold by. You can always change this number.

    4. Select a Reason and leave a Note if desired.

    5. If you have permission to Approve Discrepancies on your Role, you will see the "Auto-approve Discrepancy" checkbox. Selecting this checkbox before submitting the discrepancy will automatically update the inventory quantity in Flowhub.

    6. If you do not see the "Auto-approve Discrepancy" checkbox, you will submit a Quantity Discrepancy in Maui. This will not change the Quantity in Maui Inventory until the Discrepancy is Approved by a user with the permission to approve discrepancies on their Role.

Understanding the Discrepancy Type: Not Found in Metrc

This discrepancy type next to a package in the Metrc tab indicates that you have inventory in Flowhub that is not found in Metrc. This may be because it is a test inventory item created during onboarding that is not associated with a real package tag, or the package tag has been entered incorrectly in Maui, or the package is no longer Active in Metrc, or the package is not associated with your retail license.

If all of your Packages in the Metrc tab have the discrepancy type of "Not Found in Metrc", it's possible that you do not have a Metrc API key on your user or the API key you are using is no longer active and a new one needs to be generated. Refer to our "Maui: Add Metrc API Keys" article here for next steps, and then re-sync the Metrc tab.

To take action on this discrepancy, follow the steps below.

  1. Determine whether the package is not test inventory and should indeed be Active in Metrc. Log into Metrc and locate the package. Double-check that the package tag is an Active Package, associated with your retail license (as opposed to a cultivation license), and the package tag matches exactly as it does in Flowhub.

  2. If all the above is true, determine whether the package is older than 90 days. If it is older than 90 days, leave a Note on the package or update any field on the package in Metrc and save. This will refresh the Last Modified Date on the package in Metrc and allow our API to access it.

  3. If the above troubleshooting steps do not resolve the issue, please contact Flowhub Product Support at for further assistance.

Understanding the Discrepancy Type: Finished Package is Active in Flowhub

This discrepancy type next to a package in the Metrc tab indicates that you have a package that has been "finished" in Metrc, but there is still inventory tied to the package in Flowhub. This can cause issues when pushing sales made on this inventory, because the package ID has been finished in Metrc.

To take action on this discrepancy, follow the steps below.

  1. First, do a physical audit of this inventory item to determine whether the package is indeed finished.

  2. If there is inventory with this package ID still available for sale in your dispensary:

    1. Log into your Metrc portal and unfinish the package so you can continue making sales out of it.

      • In the future, Flowhub will support finishing and unfinishing Metrc packages via API, but for now, Packages must be Finished or Unfinished in the Metrc portal.

  3. If there is no inventory with this package ID still available for sale in your dispensary:

    • either use "Fix Flowhub" to submit a Discrepancy to set the Quantity to Zero in Flowhub:

      • With the package selected in the Metrc tab, select "Fix Flowhub." A modal will appear allowing you to adjust the inventory quantity.

      • The quantity input will be auto-filled with a quantity of Zero.

      • Select a Reason and leave a Note if desired.

      • If you have permission to Approve Discrepancies on your Role, you will see the "Auto-approve Discrepancy" checkbox. Selecting this checkbox before submitting the discrepancy will automatically update the inventory quantity in Flowhub.

      • If you do not see the "Auto-approve Discrepancy" checkbox, you will submit a Quantity Discrepancy in Maui. This will not change the Quantity in Maui Inventory until the Discrepancy is Approved by a user with the permission to approve discrepancies on their Role.

    • Or, you can navigate to Inventory, find the inventory item, and delete it from Flowhub.


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