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Price Profiles

This article will explain how to set up and use Price Profiles in Flowhub Maui to sell flower and concentrate items by weight.

Valerie avatar
Written by Valerie
Updated over 4 months ago

Price Profiles allow you to create $/gram pricing for any weight unit of bulk or packed flower and concentrates.

Price Profiles are necessary when selling "deli-style," when weighing out Flower or Concentrates for the customer on a scale at the time of purchase. You can also use Price Profiles to create "Tiered" pricing for packed flower or concentrates (in lieu of setting up distinct prices for every packed flower Product in your catalog).

Create a Price Profile

  1. Navigate to the Pricing and Taxes tab on the drop-down menu at the top left of the screen.

  2. Select ‘Price Profile’ at the top of the page

  3. Create a Name and Description for your Price Profile.

  4. Select a Weight tier from the drop-down menu or type in a custom weight.

    • You do not need to set a price for every weight tier.

  5. Set a price for the selected weight tier.

    • Flowhub will calculate the Price Per Gram.

    • If Out the Door pricing is enabled, the price you enter will be the price your customers or patients pay, INCLUDING Tax.

Additional Settings

Mix n Match

If enabled, the total combined weight of all items with this price profile will be used to calculate the weight tier. If inactive, Only the weight of individual items will be used to calculate the weight tier.

Weigh Heavy:

This feature gives the ability to weigh a little heavy while still maintaining tiered pricing. By setting a weight threshold, you will weigh heavy up to this amount before your customer or patient reaches the next Price Profile tier.

Custom Weights in Price Profiles

If you sell 4g Eighths instead of the standard 3.5g Eighth, Flowhub allows you to set up "Custom" Weights in your Price Profiles. If you're setting up "buy more save more" at your store where you'd like to have your Custom weights combined for pricing, that's easy to set up as well!

To set up a Custom Weight in a Price Profile, select "Custom," then enter the weight. In the below example, a Custom weight of 4g for $40 has been created:

If you're using Custom Weights, you'll also want to set up combinations for total custom weights when a customer purchase multiples of each Custom weight item. This ensures that the pricing you're expecting in the cart comes through, instead of Flowhub referencing different tier weights when calculating how much Flower is in the cart.

For example - two 4g Custom Weight Eighths are in a cart. Total grams in cart is 8g.

  • Without setting up a Custom weight of 8g in the Price Profile, Flowhub will see 8g of Flower in the cart and use the Quarter(7g) price ($75 in the below example) + the $/gram price on the Quarter tier for the additional gram.

    • Total price would come out to $85.72 in the cart with the Price Profile below.

  • However, if we add another Custom Weight to our Price Profile for 8g, we can set the exact price to charge for two 4g Eighths, or $80:

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