Flowhub offers a time-saving feature to make creating new products and variants easier! Copy existing products and variants to avoid starting from scratch when adding new products or variants to existing products.
Copy Products
Copy existing products to avoid having to start from scratch when adding new products or variants to existing products.
Navigate to Products under Inventory. Select the product, then select Copy.
A new product form will be displayed, and will include many of the details from the original product. Add a new Product name and product image (if available), and other details can be updated as needed.
If the source product includes variants, provide new names for those as well.
After filling out these required fields, click Save, and your new product and its variants will be available in your Products list.
Copy Variations
Edit a product that contains variants. Scroll to the Additional Variations section and click the Copy option next to the variant.
Provide a name for the new variant, and update any data points unique to the new variant (including price and weight) as needed.
Once all fields are complete, save the Product. The new variant is now available under this product!