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Par Level and Predictive Par Level Reporting
Par Level and Predictive Par Level Reporting

This article discusses the purpose and functionality of the Par Level and Predictive Par Level reports available in Maui Analytics.

Written by Rachel Fandos
Updated over 2 months ago

Set Par Levels for Your Products

Maintaining optimal Par (Periodic Automatic Replenishment) Levels for your products is key to ensuring maximum efficiency in inventory planning. A Par Level is the ideal quantity of a product that your store should maintain to meet customer demand and avoid overstocking.

Set the Par Level for each of your products in Flowhub when creating a new product or editing the product details for an existing product. The Par Level field is above the Price and Cost fields in the product details.

Access Par Level Reporting in Flowhub Maui Analytics

Flowhub offers two powerful reports in the Analytics section to enhance your inventory quantity management.

  1. Par Level Report: This report displays inventory items currently below their designated par level for a specific location, with an option to include all items with a par level regardless of their current quantity. The report details both the par level and current quantity for each item. Inventory Managers use the par level report when reordering products to maintain adequate quantities.

    In this example, the report includes all items with a par level, whether they are at or below par level.

  2. Predictive Par Level Report: This report helps make informed purchasing decisions by forecasting when items will reach their par level, showing daily sales velocity, suggested par levels, and other metrics. Auto-calculated par levels are provided for products without a specific par level. Use the Predictive Par report to avoid overstock, prevent stockouts, and ensure your shelves are always ready for customers.

  • When accessing the report, it is recommended to use a multiple of 7 (7, 14, 28, etc.) for the “Sales Look Back Days” parameter to account for varying sales velocities on different days of the week.

Schedule Par Level Reporting

The Par Level Report can be configured to send the night after a Par Level was hit during the day. This is valuable for making purchasing decisions for products that you may be running low on and need to reorder.

  1. Navigate to the Par Level Report in the Analytics section.

  2. Click on the clock icon in the top right of the report to schedule.

  3. Select the trigger to run when par level is hit to receive the report via email the night after the par level is reached during the day.

  4. Click Schedule Par Level Report to confirm the automatic sending.

The Predictive Par Level report can be scheduled to be sent on a daily, weekly or monthly cadence based on your needs.

  1. Navigate to the Predictive Par Level Report in the Analytics section.

  2. Click on the clock icon in the top right of the report to schedule.

  3. Select the desired cadence.

  4. Click the "Schedule Predictive Par Level Report" button to confirm.

All scheduled reports can be accessed and edited from the Scheduled Reports folder in the Analytics section.

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